The Miklin Hotel which is located in Kumasi is 3 hours drive from Accra. The hotel has lavish, roomy and stylish rooms which are well designed and adequately furnished for the comfort and relaxation of hotel guests.
The rooms have spacious en-suite bathrooms with a shower, a TV with Satellite and multi channels, air conditioning and a mini bar. The amenities and services offered by the Miklin Hotel Kumasi include; Wedding Receptions, Outside Catering, Mini Bar, Banqueting Seminars, Luncheons, Breakfast Meetings, Workshops, Internet Connection, Hot/Cold bath, individually controlled Air Conditioning, Same Day Laundry, International Direct Dial Telephone, Study Lamps and Razor Points. The hotel also has a Poolside bar, a Business Center, a cyber cafe, a Restaurant that serves Continental and Ghanaian / Sub-regional dishes, an Ultra modern unisex salon and free shuttling to and from Airport. The Miklim Hotel Kumasi has a swimming pool, a large restaurant and a conference room. There is also a business bureau with a foreign bureau that caters for all business arrangements.